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Class 5 Put It All Together

Class 5 Put It All Together. Now we string the pieces we have explored into a conversation. The parts flow together in a sentence.


Let's put it in action!

In our last class, I'll show you how to put together sentences using all the parts of astrology we've talked about: the zodiac signs, planets, angles, houses, elements, modality, and polarity.

This session blends everything together, giving you the info to start connecting it all.

Check your Guidebook for your final practice pages and some reflections. Keep at it! Like any relationship and skill, the more you put in, the clearer it becomes.

These foundation skills will be enough for some of you for a lifetime.

For others, these skills will set a solid base and you will have the itch to learn more. I will be there with you if you choose to go further. There are several options for this. See below for next steps.

For now, let's pause and celebrate all you've learned!


Thank you for sharing this time with me. I have enjoyed creating this course for you, and I truly hope you feel like you have a good base to go forward with your interest in astrology.

  • Even when you have completed all the classes, maybe especially after completing the classes, come to the live meets. This is where we can really progress and support what you have learned. Ask questions, practice, explore! It's fun!

  • If you have a 30 minute 1:1 Bonus call with me, remember to schedule it. This is great time to focus on your reasons for taking the course so you can expand your learning or clear up anything. I'm looking forward to your call

  • Watch your email for next level learning through more classes, connect with me on social media, and consider my Patreon.

  • Of course, book a reading or a 1:1 mentoring call with me anytime. I'm here for you.

Thanks again and congratulations on your accomplishment.

Dorothy Morgan Astrologer

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