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Welcome Start Here
Welcome! Start Here. Links, Housekeeping, a Guide. Let's Begin!
Welcome to your Course,
Usable Astrology:
Ace and Apply the Essentials
And thank you for being here. I'm so excited that you're excited about astrology.
Once I began learning about it, something opened inside of me and I never looked back. That was almost 30 years ago! My passion for it only grows. Can you believe it?
I feel so blown away to have something so wonderful for my being to be so stimulated by. It challenges my intellect, fills my mind, gives voice and grounding to my spirit, heals and explores my emotions, guides the care of my body, and develops my sense of purpose. It's like having a counsel of elders available ALL. THE. TIME.
Through the next 5 Videos, we will engage each step in order to understand how to read a chart and interpret what we are reading to apply to ourselves or another in very personalized ways.
No matter what you would like astrology to do for you or what it means to you, HERE, these essentials, is really what it's all about.
So take your time, practice, think, feel, enjoy.
You could watch it all in one afternoon, go through the sheets quickly, sure. But I'm going to encourage you to slow it down, consider. Step away from Binge Culture. Feel, sense, embody, play your way through this content.
Remember - ACE and APPLY.
Before we begin, there is some housekeeping for us to do:
1. Ask yourself why you would like this information? How will you use it? How will it benefit yourself or another? It is a fascinating and helpful tool and can remind us how we are all linked to each other and something much larger than ourselves and our day to day worries that feel so very important.
How will you employ compassion and curiosity as you gain perspective and ideas flow through you? How will you refrain from judgement and story making or deciding things about or for yourself or another that may be restricting, overly imaginative, intrusive, or otherwise non-productive?
There are many ways and styles for people to learn and use astrology. I believe astrology is a great way to learn yourself and increase your sense of belonging, clarity, and compassion.
Spend a moment journaling before you begin and revisit the same question after you complete the course:
What do you believe astrology is great for?
2. Each video has practice sheets that go along with it. Â I have assembled a guidebook for you. The Guidebook contains all the sheets in one place and also includes some reflection prompts. I've set it up as a 5 Day Challenge to complete the course! YES! Â It should have arrived by email when you purchased and is also connected below.
3. There are monthly Zoom lives with me.
They are casual and also focused on applying the course material. Bring your questions. We will practice, discuss, and enjoy astrology. When you finish the content, great! Keep coming. That's why it's there! I will email you the dates and links, so please make sure your settings allow my emails so I don't go off to spam-land. I want to see you there! These conversations really expand and helps it all come together. I will come back here and post the links, dates, times as I set them.
4. You have a bonus of a 30 minute 1:1 with me! Go to my scheduler through the button and find a time or email me directly for us to find the best time in both of our schedules.
Use this single use Coupon Code on Check out:
I know a lot of stuff, and you want to know more, right? The Zooms and 1:1 sessions are these LIVE windows.
Please do it! It's a great value in itself!
5. Here's your Guide to download. Feel free to print it, print some sheets just as you need them, or use it as a guide and do the exercises in a notebook. Some of you have digital journals like GoodNotes (not an affiliate) or some other type, and here you can usually load pdf docs into them. From there you can mark on the sheets, clear them and use them over and over. You do you and enjoy them.
I have included several sheets of the same when the exercise is repeated for those of you who are printing to easily have what you need.
6. Finally, digital products can be tempting to share. Please remember that anyone who has created one has invested a lot of time, resources, care, and knowledge into preparing them. It is copyrighted information. It is nice to want to share, but it is also a form of stealing. I do share a lot of content for free or lower cost, and am happy to help others when need arises. Please remember digital products represent livelihoods and good faith.
I am so HAPPY you are here.
I have taught this class for many (so many) years and I have been asked for a digital version of this course for a really long time.
I truly hope it fills your needs well. Please let me know if there is something you need.
Remember, I am right here cheering you on and ready to answer any questions.
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