The New Moon in Pisces begins Wednesday March 2nd at 12:35 PM ET and is at the 12th degree of Pisces. This is a very soft and gentle New Moon that is enhanced by its’ closeness to Jupiter. I will talk about that more but let’s set the scene first.
When we look at the chart as a whole unit and not just the New Moon we can see that we have all but one planet within 60 degrees of each other. This is called a Bundle chart. It means there is an intense focus by all who live on just a few things right now. Stability and consistency as well as having compassion and the ability to dream and come together.
There are 3 planets conjunct in Capricorn, Venus (our values), Mars (movement and action) and Pluto (Lord of transformation). Together they are asking us to focus on and take action in our lives. In what area of life will be personal to you but you should know what it is already because it is the are of life that is changing the most and has the deepest opportunity for transformation.
With 2 planets in Aquarius, Mercury conjunct Saturn, that focus is on our thoughts and ideas.
What we believe in.
Are we able to change our minds or let a though or belief go? When we stay in a comfort zone for too long there is no room for growth. Mercury and Saturn are also halfway between the Capricorn and Pisces planets, called the midpoint. This will intensify the feelings of this New Moon.
We also have 4 planets conjunct in Pisces. The Sun and Moon (New Moon), Jupiter and Neptune. Capricorn and Pisces are both Yin signs, meaning receptive. All Earth and Water signs are Yin. So 8 of our current planetary placements is in receptive Yin energy. Uranus is in Taurus that is also earth.
With all that being said let’s get to some of the details of this New Moon in Pisces and some ideas on how to use this in ritual or manifestation work.
10 things that only begin to describe what this New Moon in Pisces can be about.
1. Compassion and understating
2. Dissolving barriers or creating them
3. Engaging in unselfish behavior
4. Surrendering
5. Empathy
6. Dreaming
7. Confusion
8. Unconscious behavior
9. Hypersensitive
10. Moody
When it comes to the New Moon I like to honor it by setting some intentions that I feel strongly about and that I can also attach to the meaning of the sign that the New Moon is in. PISCES. I will pose some questions to help me get into alignment with the sign. Here are some I use for Pisces; I hope it helps you to get into alignment too. #alignwithnature
1. Am I feeling confused about something? If so I will ask for clarity around that matter.
2. Is it possible I am misunderstanding someone? If so, I will invite clarity into my life. I may not even know I’m misunderstanding something.
3. Is it time to stop and dream a little and get out of my analytical head? Here I will set my intentions to dare to dream more, surrendering to the unknown.
4. Do I have healthy boundaries? If not set them. Especially if you have any planets in Pisces in your Natal chart because you will most likely be empathic and overly sensitive. Healthy boundaries is good for you.
5. How is my Spiritual life doing? Here I can set many goals.
a. Increase meditation time.
b. Learn more about my psychic abilities.
c. Take a medium-ship class.
d. Learn to read cards.
e. Pay close attention to my dreams.
6. With the New Moon in Pisces I may also have the inclination to be more creative and allow that poetic flow through me.
7. Finding a place where you can serve others or volunteer is a wonderful use of a New Moon Pisces.
8. Do I feel like a victim? Setting goals around how I can shift this would be wise.
9. Take a little time and also make sure you are not playing the Martyr role. If you are “and that is not easy to see” set goals for clarity in that matter.
10. Also what about the romantic in you? Do you need a little romance in your life? Seek and ye shall find.
As you can see, we have many ways we can engage with the New Moon. You do not have to resonate with everything written here. Just pick a few or find your own way. No procrastinating now. Although that is also a quality of Pisces. Once we have reached the New Moon on March 2 at 12:35 AM ET you can begin writing out your intentions.
I did the video blog about this Lunar event as well and there is always additional content in both sources. Make sure and watch the video too. HERE IS THE LINK
Many blessings my friends. Until next time REACH FOR THE STARS. Here is the song I mentioned in the video on You-Tube. It is so Pisces.