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WHO WANTS TO PLAY? Full Moon in Sagittarius June 14, 2022

This Full Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon and is also a Super Moon. What defines a Super Moon is how close the Moon is to the earth during this Full Moon lunar phase.

When she is so close this also creates super high tides and low tides and we expect the same with our own emotions. It is also in a fire sign so we will have some very dynamic energy available to us over the few days while it is in Sagittarius and the Full Moon phase.

Heightened emotions, the need to explore and play. Being authentically you.

This Full Moon is known as the Strawberry Moon and is also a Super Moon. What defines a Super Moon is how close the Moon is to the earth during this Full Moon lunar phase. When she is so close this also creates super high tides and low tides and we e

Sagittarius is also optimistic and frank, it's idealistic and generous, hopeful, adventurous and freedom loving. We want to explore and expand our way of thinking and seeing things. We feel the need to be in alignment with who we really are.

This is a wonderful time to get your vacation and travel plans underway. Maybe you want to take a class or explore something you have been curious about. Do you have the time?

Another aspect that is part of this Full Moon is from Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune is halfway between the Sun and Moon at the time the Moon is Full and that means trusting how we feel, trusting your intuition and even engaging in a little more flow. you know we have a longer Lunar Phase happening then just the one we talk about every month. It includes today's’ Full Moon in Sagittarius. 

This one is called the Lunar Gestation Phase it is an amazing cycle to watch. I have been working with it for several years now. Here is what it looks like.

The beginning of every lunar gestation phase is a New Moon which is awareness on new events in a new Zodiac sign. This is a new opportunity to learn and explore. Begin activities based off the Zodiac sign of that New Moon and the house location for you. We don't typically know the results of what we're beginning at this time because both planets are in the same place and have the same perspective. Consider it like planting a seed. A greater awareness from this New Moon goal setting and intentions will take nine months; this is when we get to the first quarter moon which will be at a similar degree.

So plant ideas that you feel inspired to begin new things that feel right at the time and also based on the qualities that this zodiac sign represents.

Nine months after the New Moon we have The First Quarter Moon in a similar degree has the New Moon, this is a turning point the square between the Sun and the Moon. Lots of times there is stress and struggle at this point in the lunar gestation phase. There's a lot of activity and courage during this time period but there is also a lot of challenges. Oftentimes struggles that occur at this quarter moon set the stage for a positive leap forward at the next lunar phase which would be a full moon nine months from now. We have become actively involved in what we started at the new moon nine months ago.

Nine more months later and we have the Full Moon it's now ready to reflect everything it has learned over the last 18 months. Everything we've begun at the New Moon is at its maximum visibility now. Complete awareness, total engagement, everything is revealed. We get to see and realize what our efforts have accomplished that were begun 18 months ago as well as releasing what is no longer useful which will create the space you need.

So here are the dates of these Lunar events relating to today's’ Full Moon.

We had a New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 23 Sagittarius that started this whole cycle. What did you begin? What where your hopes and dreams at this point in time? What goals did you set? This cycle is even more important because it began as a New Moon Solar Eclipse.

The second phase which is the first quarter was on September 13, 2021 the Moon at 21 Sagittarius. What were you struggling with or working hard to achieve from your New Moon goals in December 2020?

Now we are back to today's’ Full Moon and you can read from the top.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and you find some time to play.

If you would like to listen to this forecast please follow this link to the video recording.



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